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A majority of the studies performed on steroid abuse indicate males are twice as likely to abuse steroids as females. This sex differential effect results from several possible influences including the fact that individuals with male-typical or other masculine characteristics are more likely to abuse steroids. In one study of college students, 61% of those reported male-typical characteristics, best legal steroids forum. The authors suggest these males could be "more apt to engage in illicit injection due to these characteristics." (Kreuter et al, best legal steroids to take., 2002) Females are more likely to abuse any steroid and in fact, females seem to be more likely to abuse steroids, best legal steroids to take. One study of college students, conducted by Johnsen et al, best legal steroids that work.(2005) revealed that males were six times as likely to be abusing steroids, best legal steroids that work. In general there is a male-to-female ratio regarding steroids and steroid abuse. This ratio can fluctuate according to the circumstances and the type of individual. The differences in treatment between males and females may also influence steroid abuse, best legal steroids to get ripped. Males are considered to be more at risk of abuse and to be less willing to disclose their true steroid use. Females may be more willing to disclose their true steroid use on an ad-hoc basis, best legal steroids for sale. Thus, it is possible that the differences in attitudes toward taking steroids might be due to gender differences in the perceived risks and benefits of steroid use. In addition to the different attitude regarding use of steroids, there are differences in the effects of steroids on hormone levels, best legal steroids to take. Males are more likely to use androgen replacement therapies for treatment of their primary hormonal deficiency, secondary sex characteristics, or congenital anomalies such as fibroids. The use of AAS has been associated with a lower number of adverse effects, including urinary incontinence, urinary frequency and urgency, mood effects, and sexual stimulation side effects. Males are also more likely to use AAS to enhance muscle mass and to enhance sexual performance, pimples steroid abuse. Studies indicate that AAS are associated with male-typical testosterone concentrations (Cunningham et al., 1999; Kwon et al., 2002; Kim et al., 2000). AAS use in women is associated with an increased incidence of bone loss (Bryant et al, steroid abuse pimples., 1994), steroid abuse pimples. There are some indications that AAS are not an entirely benign compound. While it is currently unknown why certain individuals use AAS and others do not, the possibility exists that some users take AAS in an individualized manner to achieve different benefits. Research studies conducted on AAS have been mixed and inconsistent in nature, best legal steroids for weight loss. Despite differences in approach, research reports have not consistently found adverse events in women, compared to a male-focused research design.
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Read More: Why Women Need To Stop Drinking And Get Back To Basics
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